Letter to Anita: A Faithful Friend

Read the Indonesian translation here.


Dear Anita,

Many days ago, you asked me a question that I could not answer quickly because it was so profound and deep, “Who is God for you?”

Yesterday, I encountered a beautiful passage in the book of Sirach (6:14-16):“A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one has found a treasure. Faithful friends are beyond price; no amount can balance their worth. Faithful friends are life-saving medicine; and those who fear the Lord will find them.” Beautiful, isn’t it?  When I read it, I remembered a couple of good friends that I have been blessed with. Not many of them, but they are good companions and faithful. We seldom meet, but our hearts and our prayers are always connected. As I was feeling my gratitude, I realized that it was God who had gifted me with their presence in my life. 

Then, something else struck me: it was God who first of all offered God’s self to be my faithful friend. So faithful, that God still loves me whatever I do and try to do. With this, I don’t mean that I know God’s love only through statements of faith in Scripture or other holy writings. No, what is written might not speak much to me. It is my own experiences of God’s love that strike me most deeply. 

In one such experience, I was so lonely and tired after doing my work. No friend was reachable for me. Every one of them was busy or was in a distant place without access to internet. I was frustrated and angry as things were not working well for me. Then, I looked up and said, “Even you, God, are not here for me!” and my dam of tears burst open.  After I ceased crying, I felt warm, like someone was holding me closely to her heart. Enveloping, consoling. I knew that psychologically after an emotional breakdown, someone could feel calm and relaxed. I don’t remember feeling calm or relaxed, but I remember feeling warm. And, if you could believe me, feeling loved, and accepted. I can understand that it is not easy to believe this. But that was my experience. I was so grateful, and I am grateful now, for the experience of God as my faithful friend.  That kind of experience might only happen once or twice for me, I know, but it is real and it stays with me.

Dear Anita, I believe that you, too, have some kind of experience of God as a faithful friend. Or, sometimes we have the experience but do not realise what we have experienced. I pray that you and many young people will get the opportunity to experience this, and to reflect upon your special experience and rejoice in it.

Our God is a faithful friend. How wonderful it is. With God’s grace, may we be God’s faithful friends too. May we walk with Jesus, God’s Son, as his faithful companions.

Blessing on you, dear Anita.

Dewi fcJ
Early March 2019


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